YC Monaco



Captains in the Spotlight

since september 2007

This club, reserved for captains holding at least a 500 Captain’s certificate (or equivalent), currently includes 150 superyacht captains with an average yacht length of 65 meters, representing 25 nationalities. Through this club, the Yacht Club de Monaco aims to provide yacht captains of all nationalities with a meeting and exchange point throughout the year. The club alternates between social gatherings (captains’ regatta, ski outings, activities in collaboration with the Société des Bains de Mer) and more technical meetings among captains to discuss matters at the YCM.

YCM Blue Pledge

How to join the Captains' Club?

Each new member must be sponsored by two members of the Captains’ Club. To complete their application, the candidate must send the duly completed and signed admission form along with a CV to the Yacht Club de Monaco. Membership in the “Captains’ Club” is exclusively reserved for yacht captains holding a minimum 500T certificate and with at least five years of experience.

Upon receipt of the admission file, applications are reviewed by the Captains’ Club Committee, which examines each request individually and sends a letter confirming the membership to the “Captains’ Club.” Membership will be confirmed after payment of the annual fee.

YCM Blue Pledge

Resolutely committed for many years to an environmental approach, the Yacht Club de Monaco, supported by the Princely Government through the Mission Transition Énergétique, has implemented its YCM Blue Pledge.

Drafted in collaboration with the super-yacht captains of the Y.C.M. Captains’ Club and Claire Férandier Sicard, trainer for the Environmental Training for Yacht Crew session at “La Belle Classe Academy,” this eco-charter aims to achieve a common goal: to assist yacht crews in reducing their environmental impact while respecting the needs and requirements of modern yachting.

Tailored to the specificities of yachts, the YCM Blue Pledge has been developed in two versions:

• Yachts over 40 meters

• Yachts under 40 meters