YC Monaco


la belle classe

Navigate the past to build the future

Launched in 2005

This label aims to unite shipowners around its values and highlight the high-quality work of maritime craftsmen, in order to pass on to future generations an invaluable cultural heritage as well as a certain Art of Living the Sea. The ‘La Belle Classe Tradition’ label now brings together over sixty of the most prestigious traditional yacht owners, as well as notable figures from the world of yachting. All have affirmed their commitment to the values of this label by signing the ‘La Belle Classe’ Charter, a true moral commitment.

The objectives

  • The preservation of maritime heritage and the respect for all units and elements associated with it,
  • Respect for history, the maintenance and conservation of the yacht for which the owner is responsible, with a constant search for authenticity and preservation of its original state,
  • The application of maritime rules of mutual assistance, solidarity, and hospitality as prescribed by naval etiquette, both at sea and on land,
  • Participation in traditional yacht gatherings, always promoting, in every circumstance, a ‘gentlemanly’ attitude, based on respect and courtesy, whether it concerns other competitors or the protection of yachts and individuals,
  • Sharing and transmitting the pleasure of the sea and its values,
  • Respect for the environment and the sea. Admission to ‘La Belle Classe Tradition’ is not sought after; there is no admission fee. Only the demonstration of a true commitment and a sincere desire to uphold this ethical code allow access.
Monaco Classic Week – La Belle Classe

Created in 1994, this unique biennale aims to honor the last witnesses of yachting from the past, both small and large pleasure craft included

Charte « La Belle Classe Tradition »

The Belle Classe Tradition charter reflects a commitment to preserving timeless elegance and classic values, ensuring the lasting transmission of the traditions that shape our cultural and maritime heritage.

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Restoration and conservation

Support for the restoration projects of classic sailboats to preserve their authenticity and history. This meticulous work helps perpetuate maritime heritage while honoring the construction techniques that have endured through the ages.

Passing on traditions

Outings on Tuiga and Argynne III for both members and the new generation of sailors to raise awareness of our maritime heritage.


LBC Tradition




+377 93 10 63 00