YC Monaco


YCM on form

A high-energy atmosphere with tightly fought contests at sea and social gatherings marked the second weekend of the Campionato Invernale West Liguria. Once again it attracted a large fleet vying for the Gorilla Gang Cup and Trofeo Statari. Yacht Club de Monaco members seized the opportunity to race on Ligurian waters at this regatta organised by Yacht Club Sanremo.

YCM on form

Many YCM members produced some very good results with Andrea Statari’s Gorilla Gang XL clinching 3rd in the ORC 1, 5th in the IRC and finishing 4th at the end of the Gorilla Gang Cup and Trofeo Statari.

Blue Scorpion also pulled out all the stops to finish 10th in ORC1 and 21st in the Gorilla Gang Cup and Trofeo Statari, putting in a solid performance given the intense competition. In the parallel Crociera Regata, YCM were hot on the heels of the leaders with Alain Mazzoleni’s Alcyon 3 in 4th.

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