TF35 Realstone Cup for Léman Hope

The finale of the TF35 Trophy, Realstone Cup for Léman Hope, promised to be extremely competitive this weekend. With several teams tied on points, a great show was guaranteed of battles within the fleet with three decisive duels deciding the outcome of the final ranking for the 2024 season.
The class has reached full maturity this season. The flight control software update has greatly improved the boats’ stability, whatever the point of sail,” confirmed Class Manager Bertrand Favre. “The boats are quick, the fleet compact and everything comes down to the little details in each race!” Although a strong northerly across Lake Geneva prevented the teams from training as much as they would have liked, conditions changed radically. With light winds across the course, every gust had to be exploited to the max. Tactics, strategy, speed and manœuvres had to be perfectly executed. Yacht Club de Monaco’s Esteban Garcia’s Realteam Sailing pulled off a fine 4th place that put him 2nd overall for the season after five events.