Place of honour for Captains

The Yacht Club de Monaco has always had the greatest regard for captains which is why in September 2007 it launched this club for captains with the 500 GT certificate (or equivalent). Today it has over 150 members of all nationalities who meet regularly at the YCM to share ideas and experiences all year round.

As YCM General Secretary Bernard d’Alessandri explains: “As the YCM brings together more than 800 boat owners, including owners of 541 yachts over 40m and 25 of the world’s 100 largest yachts, we wanted to open our doors to their captains who are key players in the yachting world”.

Indeed, they are seen as ambassadors of the Club’s core values that are behind its ‘Art de Vivre la Mer’ philosophy.  Members respect a Charter perpetuating excellence in yachting practices, which are embedded in the YCM’s DNA: respect for naval etiquette and solidarity at sea; protecting the ocean and its biodiversity for future generations; and developing and promoting innovative technology for the maritime sector.

The club organises social events and regular forums where captains can debate key yachting issues.

How to join the Captains Club?

New members must be sponsored by two members of the Captains Club. Any captain wishing to become a member will need to return his/her completed and signed admission form to the Yacht Club de Monaco with a copy of his/her CV.

Membership to the Captains’ Club is exclusively reserved to captains holding a 500GT certificate with at least five years’ experience. All applications will be individually considered by the Captains’ Club Committee, and a letter sent to you confirming your membership, which will become effective upon payment of the annual membership fee.


The Yacht Club de Monaco, which has been committed to an environmental approach for many years, with the support of the Monaco government through its Energy Transition mission, is pleased to present its YCM BLUE PLEDGE.

Drawn up in collaboration with superyacht captains in the YCM’s Captains Club and Claire Férandier Sicard, Environmental Training for Yacht Crew instructor at the La Belle Classe Academy, this YCM BLUE PLEDGE aims to meet a common objective: to support yacht crews in reducing their environmental impact while respecting the needs and requirements of modern yachting.

The YCM’s BLUE PLEDGE addresses the specific needs of yachts in two categories:

  • Yachts >40m
  • Yachts <40m
Discover the YCM BLUE PLEDGE


Cristina Ruiz

Phone Number

+377 93 10 63 06