oceanos ntua monaco energy boat challenge

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge

1-6 July 2024

Organised since 2014 by the Yacht Club de Monaco, in collaboration with the International Powerboating Federation (UIM) and Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge is unique in the world.

More than a century after the first international powerboat meetings were launched in 1904, the YCM is reviving a tradition by leaving the field wide open to innovation and the imaginations of young engineers, working hand in hand with experienced manufacturers. Their goal is to develop alternative propulsion systems, using only clean energy sources to power the yachting of tomorrow. A real technological challenge to meet the energy needs of the leisure boat and shipping industries and the accompanying environmental prerogatives.



An ultra-packed final day!

8e Monaco Energy Boat Challenge - 6-10 July 2021   A week brimming with events, exchanges,…

Speed and endurance: faster, further, cleaner

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2021 - 6-10 July 2021   Friday 9th July 2021. On the second day…

8th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge: first visions!

8th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 6-10 July 2021   Thursday 8th July 2021. D day for the 32 teams in…


Section Sportive



Phone Number

+377 93 10 65 05

Monaco Classic Week - La Belle Classe

September 2025

This biennial event, which is the first gathering in the world to honour sailing and motor boats, bears witness to the Yacht Club de Monaco’s unfailing attachment to the maritime heritage of sailing. Echoing the first motorboat meetings in 1904, this event is the only one to bring together the most beautiful traditional sailing boats, with vintage motor-yachts and old motorboats, to which a fleet of 12′ Dinghies has been added for four the last editions.



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Section Sportive



Phone Number

+377 93 10 64 02

Fête de la mer

21 June 2025

Every year St Peter, the patron saint of fishermen, is celebrated in a day-long festival organised by the YCM in partnership with other Monegasque institutions, including Monaco City Hall, Société Nautique de Monaco (rowing club), Association des Pontons de Monaco (pleasure boats), Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Oceanographic Museum, Club d’Exploration sous-marine de Monaco (scuba diving), and the Association Monégasque de la Protection de la Nature (Environment Protection Association).

The Port Hercule will once again celebrate the Fête de la Mer during which a large parade will be organised at sea. Sailing, motor, rowing (…), all units are welcome to participate in this event.

Provisional programme 2025 (coming soon)

Parade registration (coming soon)
Parade at sea (coming soon)
fete de la mer



Nothing found.


Section Sportive

Phone Number

+377 93 10 64 02