Victory for Tuiga

Victory for Tuiga Les Voiles d’Antibes 29th May – 2nd June The 29th edition…

Winning results for YCM

Winning results for YCM Dinghy – League Cup Finale – Cannes 1-2 June The PACA…

YCM on the start of this Mediterranean classic

YCM on the start of this Mediterranean classic 151 Miglia Trofeo Cetilar 30th…

YCM members in the vanguard

YCM members in the vanguard The Nations League 2024 Swan Bonifacio Challenge…

tf35 boat regata

2nd for Realteam Sailing

2nd for Realteam Sailing TF35 – Nyon Cup 24-26 May 2024 First stage of the…


10th place for G-Spot

10th place for G-Spot J/70 – European Championship – Cala Galera 18-25 May…

regata monaco

5th for Peter Harrison

5th for Peter Harrison IMA Maxi European Championship – Sorrento 17-23 May…

regata yacht club monaco

Sports Section out in force

Sports Section out in force Optimist - Régate Interligue SIL – Antibes 18-20…

Gold for YCM

Gold for YCM Championnat de France Handivoile - Lorient 17-20 May  …

tuiga yacht club de monaco

YCM colours win the day

YCM colours win the day Grandi Regate Internazionali – San Remo 17-19 May…