Act now!

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge Meetings   The Energy Boat Challenge round…

Launch of Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting

A collective concerted response to challenges facing tomorrow’s……

Thursday 24th March: Monaco Capital of Yachting

Monaco Ocean Week (20-25 March 2022)   Monday 21st March – The…

From experimentation to concrete solutions

8e Monaco Energy Boat Challenge - 6-10 July 2021   Monday 21st July 2021. Faced…

Hydrogen station coming soon to Monaco?

In line with the previous day’s conference, the Monaco Hydrogen Working Group…

Energy transition, alternative solutions, initiatives and sustainability in yachting

8th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge - Conference 8th of July   During the Monaco…

An ultra-packed final day!

8e Monaco Energy Boat Challenge - 6-10 July 2021   A week brimming with…

Speed and endurance: faster, further, cleaner

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2021 - 6-10 July 2021   Friday 9th July 2021.…

8th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge: first visions!

8th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 6-10 July 2021   Thursday 8th July 2021. D day…

Monaco a bubbling cauldron of alternative propulsion systems

8th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge - 6-10 July   Wednesday 7th July 2021. In its…