Sir Ernst – on the trail of the whales

Sir Ernst - Expedition Valdès: Sir Ernst is sailing at the latitude of this…

Sir Ernst leaves Punta Del Este for Ushuaia

Sir Ernst Expedition The early days of the new year were spent flying across…

Portrait of the month: François Miribel

Sir Ernst Expedition This month it’s François’ turn to answer our questions.…

Sir Ernst arrives in Punta del Este

Sir Ernst Expedition It took 23 days at sea for Sir Ernst to cross from Mindelo…

New video on our YouTube channel

Sir Ernst Expedition Over the last seven-plus years, the crew on Sir Ernst has…

Sir Ernst weather tutorials online

Sir Ernst Expedition   Sir Ernst is offering a new category of videos on…

Jean-Baptiste Charcot – “Gentleman” of the Poles

Sir Ernst Expedition   Jean-Baptiste Charcot over-wintered twice in the…

Sir Ernst – Welcomed by Punta del Este Yacht Club

Wednesday 10th November. Last night before we arrive. The wind has the good…


Sir Ernst Expedition   Sir Ernst is slowly approaching Punta Del Este and…

Rain, wind and poetry

Sir Ernst bypasses a depression off Rio. Poetry The crew on Sir Ernst were…